Well, it’s finally time to show you guys all the work I have been doing over the year and show my website in a new light with the things I really like in it. I’m so happy with it because it is now current and full of the things I want to do or continue to do. I feel very bad that I don’t manage to update very often, but it does take a bit more work than just writing a blog entry :-). However, at least now it is all here! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.

I have updated pretty much 80% of the illustration and design section. I have left animation and painting as it is, because first, i haven’t managed to do any of that for ages, and second, I am still quite happy with how that looks.

I have now a nice variety of designs in these sections and included CD and other packaging designs, book covers and posters. The illustration section has often also pieces applied to other media, like textile. This is something I want to continue to do.

So go, have a look over there, and of course, any feedback is greatly appreciated!