Halloween pumpkin

For me Halloween is not so much about all the dressing up and partying (although I did that this year, I was “Buffy” – no I won’t show a photo, but yes, people did recognize me, yay! ) but more about all the fun crafty stuff you can do!

This year I was determined to have a pumpkin at the door and after a sore hand and blisters on my fingers from all the scraping of the pumpkin flesh with a spoon, I had myself my very own ghost. I put it in front of the door and added some sweets for people to take, but somehow not many went??! Maybe New Zealanders are too polite, or always on a diet or they are scared I might poison them or whatever, but it wasn’t a problem, we just ate them all ourselves then 🙂



Also, I made a papercraft work together with a friend of mine. I love cutting paper and this one was the most intricate design we made so far. It has a bit of a mexican feel and on coloured paper it looks quite “aaaarty”. Might hang it up on the wall in a frame for the whole year!

paper cut skull